While I was reading today I could picture the main character Stanley Yelnats in sitting a court room and the judge telling him, "You may go to jail, or you may go to Camp Green Lake." Stanley was from a poor family. He had never been to camp before so he thought it was a good idea to pick the Green Lake. I cannot connect with any characters yet because only three characters have been mentioned at the moment. No difficulties understanding things. I’ve been to camp before with some friends from school. The plot is very realistic. I would like to have Stanley Yelnats as a friend; even though he’s younger than me he seems to be a good boy, very innocent. I predict something bad is going to happen in the next chapter. If I could jump into the story right now, I would help Stanley therefore he wouldn’t have gotten into trouble and wouldn’t have to go through all of this, etc. court, jail, green lake. The part that I was able to visualize the best was when the book mentioned about how Stanley is a very fat kid. The camp reminds me of the time I went camping with my friends up in the mountains.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Adele Parks- Tell me Something
While I was reading today I could picture the main character Elizabeth setting life's goals such as, to find an Italian man, marry him, move to Italy and have lots of dark-haired bambini. I can’t connect with any character at this point. I can’t understand whether her parents adopted Elizabeth or if she’s their actual child, it’s not clear. Something that I’ve done that is similar to the character is "fall in love". The plot is very realistic. I wouldn’t like to have any character as a friend because i have a different personality. The part that I’ve read today fits together with other books that have to do with love stories. In the next chapter I believe Elizabeth is going to go all around Italy. I wouldn’t want to jump in the story and change something, it’s only the beginning anyway. I was able to visualize Elizabeth watching hot Italian guys walking around the best because that’s all she keeps talking about. Sometimes when my friends and I go down town we might see a guy that we find very good looking and pick at him, and that’s what Elizabeth does.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Normal Reading Log Questions
While I was reading today I could picture Lucius, the main character with no hands but hooks. Apparently he lost them in an explosion of his own making and blew both of his hands. He now has to have hooks on. This event reminds me of a friend, who also lost his hands and legs, and is now on a wheelchair. While I was reading today, I was able to visualize the part in the kitchen where the mum was making breakfast, the dad was hidden behind a newspaper and the sister, Misty was checking her self out in the mirror all the time and I choose this because it shows how ignorant everyone is towards Lucius. If I could jump into the story right now, I would take the role of Lucius dad and I would try to be more caring towards Lucius, more sympathetic and not so ignorant. I would try to talk to him and let him know that he could count on me and since am a male we should be a lot closer to each other. Something similar that I’ve done to what the characters experience in the book is feel guilty for something I’ve done and have other people making me feel worse about it and pointing it out all the time just to make me feel bad, and upset me but the truth is no one is perfect, everybody makes mistakes. I haven’t had any difficulty understanding or connecting with at the moment, the book is very straight forward. The plot is very realistic because the story is based on a true story. In the next section of my book I believe that Lucius will have a difficult time in school because of his hands and everyone will think that his very different therefore no one will talk to him and then his going to be very upset. I can connect my dad with Lucius dad because every morning they sit by the table or the sofa and read their newspaper without talking to anyone, just concentrating on their newspaper. I would want any of the characters to be my friends; they’re all very depressing and negative. Other books that I’ve read in the past have to do with kids who their families are very ignorant, causing the child to go through some kind of depression and effecting it in a bad way.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
While I was reading my book today, I pictured the main protagonist, Alice walking around in the streets, homeless begging for food and money, since she decided to run away from home. I could imagine her being so lonely, and unhappy, melancholic.
I can connect Alice’s mum with my mum, they’re both caring and love their children. They both get so worried if something happens to us, and if we ever need someone to talk to, we know that our mothers are the right people to have conversations with, about anything.
I didn’t have any problem connecting or understanding the story. Everything the author is trying to say is written in a clear, easy and understandable way. The words she uses are pretty simple and based on the paragraph you can easily understand it and there was no need to look it up in the dictionary.
My character is at a stage where she’s starting to realize who she really is, who her real friends are, starts experiencing new things, and I have to admit that I’m also going through a similar stage compare to Alice.
The plot is very realistic because it’s based on a true story.
The part that I’ve read today doesn’t really fit together with other books that I’ve read previously, because at the moment my character is taking drugs, and she’s constantly getting high. I don’t really read these kinds of books very often.
I think that in the next chapters Alice is going to get raped.
If I could jump into the story right now, I would try and help Alice out. I’d probably take her home to her family, and every time one of her “friends” offer her to go to a party ill make sure she never goes. Because that when she starts using drugs all over again.
While I was reading today, I was able to visualize Alice walking on the streets by herself. The author, also name as the anonymous was describing this scene with such detail and was making this seem so dramatic, it just hit me!!
This book does not remind me of my life at all. I think that its way to dramatic and scandalous. I find the whole idea about taking drugs extremely wrong this is why I can’t imagine myself ever being in this situation.
I wouldn’t want any character to be my friend; they’re all weird, apart from the mum, so I’d probably pick her. She’s the nicest one out of everybody, and the most caring.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Go ask Alice!

This is the fictitious diary of a young teenage girl, who somehow finds herself lost in the world of drugs during the 1960's. She is introduced to LSD during a party where it was slipped into her drink. She loved how the drug made her feel, and was delighted to learn that there were more drugs out there. Every party she went to, she remembers in bits and pieces, but often only remembers the beautiful colors that the drugs brought to her, and sometimes the rapes that occurred when she was in a complete drug haze. Within a few months, she was totally hooked. When she is sober, there are entries in this diary almost daily. When she is on her drugs, there are large gaps missing, and what is there is usually dateless. However, she does not win the fight.
While I was reading today, I could picture Alice being very lonely in school, and very miserable. She’s not satisfied with her life. She’s depressed.
I can connect Alice’s mum, with my mum because both of them are very protective, and want the best for their daughter, but I think Alice’s mum is a little bit over exaggerating. I don’t think their relationship is as good as the relationship my mum and I have. We’re closer, we tell each other everything no matter what, and my mum is basically like my best friend. Alice doesn’t think that though, she thinks that her mum is annoying and strict and they never seem to get along.
I didn’t have any problem connecting or understanding the story. Everything the author is trying to say is written in a clear, easy and understandable way. The words she uses are pretty simple and based on the paragraph you can easily understand it and there was no need to look it up in the dictionary.
If I could jump into my book right now I would try to stop Alice from what she’s doing, because it’s a shame for a fifteen year old girl to blow her life just like that…
At the moment Alice wants to take a break from drugs, but I don’t think that’s going to last for long, its too late now. She’s addicted to them!
The plot is very realistic because it’s based on a true story.
Something that I’ve done which is similar to what my character has done is for sure not drugs. It’s moving, after my parents split me and my mum had to go live some place else. I’ve also lived with my grandmother when I was very little according to my mum, I can’t remember.
The part that I’ve read today doesn’t really fit together with other books that I’ve read previously, because at the moment my character is taking drugs, and she’s high. I don’t really read these kinds of books very often.
This book does not remind me of my life at all. I think its way to dramatic and dangerous, scandalous. The whole idea about taking drugs, for me, is extremely wrong; this is why I can’t imagine myself ever being in this position.
If I had to pick a character that I would want to have as a friend is, Alice’s Jewish friend. She’s polite, smart, open minded, sweet, cares about people; she’s like a definition of a true friend in a way.
While reading the part that I was able to visualize the best, was when one of Alice “friend” injected something in her arm. At that same moment I automatically thought it was heroin…Alice is going to die.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Pearl

Family is the most important thing in life.
-I agree,family is the most important thing in life,because at the end of the day, they're all you have.Money can't buy you love or happiness and no one's going to know you as well as your family, they were there the day you were born and they'll be there the day you die and when everyone else in the world disappoints you can always count on your family, they'll always love you. They are there in the good and bad times of your life offering support and love. They forgive you the stupid little things that others in your life will leave you over. They will love you even when your really bad. It takes a lot to make a family become unforgiving of each other.
Winning the lottery can be a bad thing.
-Once again i agree, many people think winning the lottery is the answer to their dreams, but it brings problems of it's own. Like relatives coming out of the woodwork asking for loans they will never repay. Or losing your mind, quitting your job and finding out that money is not invested or saved that it goes very quickly.People should save the majority of it and live on the interest, because money doesn't always bring happiness, it's not always the answer to the key!
Our lives are ruled by fate, no matter what decisions we take, our lives are already planned out for us.
-I strongly disagree. Someone’s fate is determined by the person's decisions. I personally think that people have a purpose in life, but it has nothing to do with fate. It has to do with what we think it's right, and what we do next, in the future and so on. Our decisions slowly build up our lives, and hopefully they're the right decisions.
3 Doors Down
3 Doors Down
They’re first album, "The Better Life" was released on February 2 , 2000, and went on to become the 11th best-selling album of that year, selling over 3 million copies. They’re second album, "Away from the Sun", Josh Freese was hired to record drums and was realised November 12, 2002 and got two platinum’s and one gold. They’re third album, "Seventeen Days" was realised February 8, 2005 and has since been certified platinum. And they’re fourth album, "3 Doors Down" was realised on May 20, 2008,selling 154,000 copies in its first week.
My favourite song is called “Here Without you” and I like it because I find it very emotional. I think that the video is really good. The song is basically, about being away from someone and missing them. And it's not about how long you've gone, it's about the loneliness that comes with missing someone. And last, I chose this band, because its my favourite one. I love all their songs because there’s always something about them that makes me like them so much. Its not really catchy, or anything but the lyrics are just amazing. And I just LOVE listening to this type of music, I just love it! This song was realises in 2003,from the album “Away from the Sun".